Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Snowstorm in Iowa


The first of March I went back to Iowa for a visit to a town located about fifty miles northwest of Des Moines. The timing was terrible, as a snowstorm that turned into a blizzard hit the area. The snowfall was only six inches to a foot, but the winds piled the snow higher in some locations making travel impossible. Visibility was zero, it was a complete whiteout.

Interstate 80 from Des Moines to Omaha was closed for two days, that is a distance of 120 miles. Trucks in both cities were backed up for miles. In the town where I was the roads were impassable, those who were trying to get home or ventured outside ended up in the ditches. Many people were trapped in their homes, farms for three days without power. This is the first horrible snowstorm that hit the vicinity of Des Moines and the news media missed it!! It was an experience I never forget.


Private Party

Hello Everyone,

Two weeks ago I played at a private party with another guitar player and singer. We never played together before but it worked out very well since the other players and I were familiar with the same songs.
We played for three hours, the audience enjoyed our performance and we loved playing together!
